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by ŽEN

NEDAMISE 00:00 / 03:50
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Skok po skok 02:00
NEDAMISE Neću više čekati Ne moraš se ispričavati Želim samo spavati Ne da mi se Ne da mi se Ne da mi se Ne da mi se Neću više pričati Ne moraš me iščekivati Neću više Ne da mi se Ne da mi se Ne da mi se ---- I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT I will not wait anymore You don't have to apologize I just want to sleep I don't feel like it I don't feel like it I don't feel like it I don't feel like it I will not talk anymore You don't have to wait for me I will not anymore I don't feel like it I don't feel like it I don't feel like it
Krizantema 05:13
KRIZANTEMA Kretanje Nastajanje Ciklus Nestajanje Silnica Iskra Pulsacija Kretanje Krizantema, prolaznost Koja dilema? Onomatopeja, ooo Sudar meja Uvjerenja nemamo Iznenađenja Iznad svega izazov Procvat ideja ---- CHRYSANTHEMUM Movement Arising Cycle Disappearing Vector Spark Pulsation Movement Chrysanthemum, transcience What a dilemma? Onomatopoeia, ooo Crash of limitations We have no beliefs Surprises Above all – challenge Blossoming of ideas
Uroni u san 05:05
URONI U SAN Udahni, opusti se, odmori, ne mršti se Zažmiri, isključi se, u hemok, zavali se Zaviri, usudi se, pokaži, da lako je Stani na tren, vrtiš se u krug, a znaš rješenje Zaboravi plan, pusti da se stvari samo dese Predivan dan, raznoliki ljudi iste sreće Udahni, opusti se, odmori, ne mršti se Pjevaj, izrazi se, pokaži da lako je Stani na tren, vrtiš se u krug a znaš rješenje Zaboravi plan, pusti da se stvari samo dese Predivan dan, raznoliki ljudi iste sreće Uroni u san, pusti da se stvari samo dese ---- DIVE IN THE DREAM Breathe in, relax, rest, don't frown Close your eyes, disconnect, rest into a hammock Peek, dare, show – how easy it is Pause for a moment, you're spinning in circles – but you know the solution Forget about the plan, let things just happen A wonderful day, various people holding the same happiness Breathe in, relax, rest, don't frown Sing, express yourself, show – how easy it is Pause for a moment, you're spinning in circles - but you know the solution Forget about the plan, let things just happen A wonderful day, various people holding the same happiness Dive in the dream, let things happen on their own
Dobre stvari 05:08
DOBRE STVARI Tko to zna? Ni ti, ni ja. Može li bez pitanja? Proći će nam ovaj dan. Može li bez pitanja? Zašto nitko ne pamti dobre stvari? Zašto nitko ne pamti dobre stvari? Tko to zna? Ni ti, ni ja. Može li bez pitanja? Zašto nitko ne pamti dobre stvari? Zašto nitko ne pamti dobre stvari? Tko to zna? I ti i ja. Može li drugačije? ---- GOOD THINGS Who knows it? Nor you, nor me. Without questions, please? This day will go by for us. Without questions, please? Why does nobody remember the good things? Why does nobody remember the good things? Who knows it? Nor you, nor me. Without questions, please? Why does nobody remember the good things? Why does nobody remember the good things? Who knows it? You and I both. Can it be different?
Barbaroga 04:20
BARBAROGA Čini se da si se izgubila? Izgubila si tlo pod nogama Jer bila si umišljena i nisi pazila Nisi davala sve od sebe Ne, to se tako ne radi Ne, to nije to Bojiš se biti sama Tražiš potvrde od drugih Da vrijediš, da vrijediš Da vrijediš, tražiš odobravanja I što ako si sama? Ti nisi ovisna o njima, svojim strahovima ---- BOOGEY(WO)MAN It seems you have lost yourself? You lost your ground ‘Cos you were conceited and careless You weren't giving it your all No, that's not how it's done No, that's not it You're afraid of being alone Seeking validation from others That you're worthy, that you're worthy That you're worthy, you’re seeking approval So what if you're alone? You're not addicted to them, your fears
BEZVREMENA BEZIMENA Sve svoje stvari, vučem za sobom Bojim se stati, da l’ je to dobro? Osjećaj Pogled kroz prozor Osjećaj Napukli snovi Osjećaj Daj mi još vremena, da shvatim osjećaj Ne bi baš krenula, želim biti sama Ti si mislila, da sam ja mislila Dok si šutjela, da si prešutjela Osjećaj Pogled unutra Osjećaj Košmar posvuda Daj si još vremena, da shvatiš osjećaj Nemoj biti nemirna, sve će se posložiti ---- TIMELESS NAMELESS All my things, I drag along I’m afraid to stop, is this the right thing to do? Feeling A look through the window Feeling Fractured dreams Feeling Give me more time to understand the feeling I wouldn’t quite like to move along, I want to be alone You thought that I thought While you were silent, about how you withheld Feeling A look inside Feeling Chaos everywhere Give yourself more time to understand the feeling Don’t be restless, everything will fall into place
Zgrade 08:43
ZGRADE Visoke smo mi zgrade Visoke smo mi zgrade Išaranih zidova, širom otvorenih pogleda, prljavih stubišta, nesigurnih temelja Visoke smo mi zgrade Sabitih spremišta, mnogobrojnih katova Nakrcanih sandučića, napola spuštenih roleta Visoke smo mi zgrade Raznobojnih krovova, skučenih liftova Dotrajalih gromobrana, zaboravljenih dimnjaka ---- BUILDINGS Tall buildings are we Tall buildings are we With scribbled walls, wide open views, Dirty staircases, unstable foundations Tall buildings are we With cramped pantries, numerous floors Packed mailboxes, half-drawn blinds Tall buildings are we With colorful roofs, small elevators Worn-out lightning rods, forgotten chimneys


ŽEN's fourth album Ciklus comes seven years after their previous studio album and marks an important new chapter in their discography. The album title symbolizes the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one, while also referencing the female menstrual cycle, which represents the cyclical nature of life.
Eva Badanjak (guitar, keyboards, vocals) and Sara Ercegović (drums, synths, vocals) were joined two years ago by Jelena Božić on bass guitar and vocals, replacing Ivona Ivković. This new lineup naturally brings a fresh dynamic to the rhythm section and the construction of tight grooves.


released September 13, 2024

Eva Badanjak
Jelena Božić
Sara Ercegović

Recorded in Tralala Studio, Zagreb
Recording technicians: Sara Ercegović, Eva Badanjak
Music producer: Eva Badanjak
Premix: Eva Badanjak
Mix: Saša Rajković Zarkoff
Mastering: Martijn Tyrell

Eva Badanjak: guitars, synths, vocals
Jelena Božić: bass guitar, vocals
Sara Ercegović: drums, vocals
Ivona Ivković: bass guitar on Krizantema and Uroni u san

Cover art and design: Klasja Habjan
Lyrics translation: Gordana Tihomirović

Thank you: Ivona Ivković, Tanja Minarik, Sven Sorić, Anja Tkalec, Goran Nježić, Kristijan Smok, Jordi Ilić, Filip Kovačić, Branko Puceković


all rights reserved



ŽEN Zagreb, Croatia

ordinary lesbians creating extraordinary music!

Prog indie rock band ŽEN /xzen/ started in 2010 in Zagreb where they’ve found their creative home at the AKC Medika squat.
ŽEN played hundreds of gigs all around Europe and still they are very active band with their powerful live performances.
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